This Matrix diagram is a brainstorming exercise in response to the analyse posted previously.
The 'Location' column looks at Govan in context with the rest of the city. I have noted the words 'Linear development' because as Glasgow city council have a strategy to develop the River Clyde, this will be successful if the communities lining the river are developed in a manner that encourages local residents and visitors to use the river in any way, shape or form.
In the 'Communities' column, I have noted the words 'Improve permeability'. The industrial sector is a wedge between the east and west communities which impacts on permeability. Removing it will free up the separation and encourage any linear development. The railway line which is located within this industrial sector no longer serves the public as it is now linked into the subway system for maintenance purposes. This is a facility which is not easily moved but there may be an option, although expensive, to bury the track below ground in a tunnel to re-emerge adjacent to and parallel to the motorway. All the other industrial units should be easily relocated.
The 'community centre' column highlights that as existing, 'Govan Cross' which is were all the shops etc are located is too remote from the communities for which it is intended to serve and support. As a result it is not as thriving as it could be bearing in mind the population of Govan. Four options are generated at this point.
The one community option looks to develop a retail high street linking the existing Govan cross and Asda /Toys'r'us complex adjacent the motorway.
The two community option considers the concept of losing Govan cross all together and providing separate community centres within each community.
The three community option, places an entirely new community between the 2 existing communities. The center facilities and functions of Govan cross will be relocated to the centre of this new community
The small towns option keeps Govan cross where it is but develops a new community around it with links across the river so that it can serve both north and south of the Clyde. For this model to work, small community centres are required as per the two community option as Govan cross is still remote to facilitate daily needs.
The 'public transport' column highlights that more investment will be required to improve accessibility. Other than bus stops, the west community has no public transport. A linear development strategy for Glasgow should accommodate a new linear public transport system to serve the communities lining the river. An improved public transport system should also aim to link across the river.
The 'road network' column highlights that Govan is generally well served but more links/bridges across the river will take pressure of pinch points such as the clyde tunnel and the Kingston bridge.
The 'open spaces' column highlights that there is no connection from the Pollok country park / Bellahouston park approaching on the south and the open space along the River Clyde and Kelvin at present. Providing an open space link will encourage more people from a greater catchment area to use the Clyde for recreation purposes etc.
The above analysis of the options raised in the matrix diagram has resulted in the two community option chosen as a pessimistic approach and the three community option as an optimistic approach. The two community option should be sustainable without much investment but they should also be sustainable for a third community being developed when funding and investment is available.
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