The following blog is a journey along an imaginary urban design / architectural project and for best understanding, reading in chronological order is recommended.

Friday, 14 November 2008

The Matrix

This Matrix diagram is a brainstorming exercise in response to the analyse posted previously.

The 'Location' column looks at Govan in context with the rest of the city. I have noted the words 'Linear development' because as Glasgow city council have a strategy to develop the River Clyde, this will be successful if the communities lining the river are developed in a manner that encourages local residents and visitors to use the river in any way, shape or form.

In the 'Communities' column, I have noted the words 'Improve permeability'. The industrial sector is a wedge between the east and west communities which impacts on permeability. Removing it will free up the separation and encourage any linear development. The railway line which is located within this industrial sector no longer serves the public as it is now linked into the subway system for maintenance purposes. This is a facility which is not easily moved but there may be an option, although expensive, to bury the track below ground in a tunnel to re-emerge adjacent to and parallel to the motorway. All the other industrial units should be easily relocated.

The 'community centre' column highlights that as existing, 'Govan Cross' which is were all the shops etc are located is too remote from the communities for which it is intended to serve and support. As a result it is not as thriving as it could be bearing in mind the population of Govan. Four options are generated at this point.

The one community option looks to develop a retail high street linking the existing Govan cross and Asda /Toys'r'us complex adjacent the motorway.

The two community option considers the concept of losing Govan cross all together and providing separate community centres within each community.

The three community option, places an entirely new community between the 2 existing communities. The center facilities and functions of Govan cross will be relocated to the centre of this new community

The small towns option keeps Govan cross where it is but develops a new community around it with links across the river so that it can serve both north and south of the Clyde. For this model to work, small community centres are required as per the two community option as Govan cross is still remote to facilitate daily needs.

The 'public transport' column highlights that more investment will be required to improve accessibility. Other than bus stops, the west community has no public transport. A linear development strategy for Glasgow should accommodate a new linear public transport system to serve the communities lining the river. An improved public transport system should also aim to link across the river.

The 'road network' column highlights that Govan is generally well served but more links/bridges across the river will take pressure of pinch points such as the clyde tunnel and the Kingston bridge.

The 'open spaces' column highlights that there is no connection from the Pollok country park / Bellahouston park approaching on the south and the open space along the River Clyde and Kelvin at present. Providing an open space link will encourage more people from a greater catchment area to use the Clyde for recreation purposes etc.

The above analysis of the options raised in the matrix diagram has resulted in the two community option chosen as a pessimistic approach and the three community option as an optimistic approach. The two community option should be sustainable without much investment but they should also be sustainable for a third community being developed when funding and investment is available.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

To develop or to not develop

Does Govan need to be developed or just left alone?

We have seen during our investigation of Govan how it has adapted to meet its function of any particular era. As the industrial revolution took hold Govan changed from a natural landscape to a developed community containing many industries and a strong labour force living on its doorstep. New shipyards lined the deepened and straightened dredged river, railway line was built to service the industries. Tenement housing was built to accommodate the new workforce migrating to the city from rural communities.

But what is Govan's function now?

One function that Govan now has is a commuting town as many live there but work outwith. The advantages that allow this are as follows:

  • Govan's house prices are generally lower in comparison to other Glasgow districts especially the West End which is on the opposite side of the river.
  • Close proximity to city centre.
  • Good Public transport.
  • Next to motorway.

Another function Govan is developing is new commercial opportunities. The advantages that allow this are as follows:

  • Land available for development
  • Local community and amenities already present
  • Good Public transport.
  • Next to motorway.

Another factor which will help answer the question of whether Govan should be developed or left alone is how it fits in with the overall planning strategy of the city of Glasgow. Researching the city council's planning strategies probably the biggest challenge for Glasgow is to redevelop and make better use of the River Clyde. The council are obviously keen to regenerate the Clyde and this is apparent with many developments along its banks such as the SECC, the Glasgow Science Centre, BBC, the Clyde Arc bridge, the proposed transport museum etc.

With Govan located on the banks of the river Clyde, it seems to me that to develop the Clyde, all adjacent communities should be developed to support new functions on the river. This development includes Govan making it a crucial link in the city's strategy.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

The Post Industrial City

Below is an essay written by myself in 1999 about The Post Industrial City. I have posted it as part of this blog as I believe it may help us understand some of the journey Govan has been through and may also give us an indication of how to best develop its future.


The Industrial Revolution created cities with rapidly growing populations containing new workforces awash with immigrants of young men often from rural areas who have travelled to these new cores of immense employment opportunities in search of a better and richer lifestyle.
They therefore lived as close to the industries as possible but their living conditions soon became confined and overcrowded producing high densities where disease was easily spread.
Soon, only those who could not afford to leave, remained and with little improvement and other factors such as the decline of industries and rising unemployment, these housing areas soon became slums.

The Post Industrial City has therefore tried to eliminate the horrors of what remained from the Industrial City as well as trying to accommodate the many changes of today’s society.
Such changes include:

· The increase of car ownership and the ability to travel further quicker.
· Emergency housing during the immediate post war period.
· The decay of the family unit with the increase of divorce rates and the need for more homes.
· The increase in capital and market forces.
· The longer life span and the increasing population.
· Changes in the tourist and leisure industries

The solving of the problems left from the Industrial City and the changes in society has formed a long running debate between the centrists and the decentrists.

The Decentrists

One reaction to all these changes that the post industrial era brought was the desire of people to move away from the inner city and the slums.
The ‘Garden City’ concept by Ebenezer Howard led people to believe that they can have their detached or semi-detached house or bungalow, with their own front and rear gardens, and still be in reasonably close proximity to the city and all it had to offer.
The increase in car ownership has meant that ‘close proximity’ could be even further away from the city centre. Garden suburbs were therefore created.
There was and probably still is, a believe that it is a natural human instinct to belong to the country surrounded by your own territory.
Two influential people who shared this believe are Henry Ford and Frank Lloyd Wright.
The following is a quote about Henry Ford’s believe:
“According to reports in the press, Henry Ford has issued an order whereby all married workers and employees in their spare time are to cultivate vegetables in their own gardens to detailed instructions given by experts employed by him for this purpose, the idea being that by this means, they will be able to supply the greater part of their own requirements. The necessary garden land will be placed at their disposal. Henry Ford has said, ‘Self-help is the only means of combating the economic depression. Anyone refusing to cultivate his garden will be dismissed’.”
(Kenneth Frampton – Modern Architecture, a critical history)

For work masters such as Henry Ford, the garden was not to be a place for relaxing and leisure, it was to be used for environmental but mainly economic benefit.

In his first book on city planning, ‘The disappearing city’, published in 1932, Frank Lloyd Wright declared. “The city of the future will be everywhere and nowhere, and it will be a city greatly different from the ancient city or from any city of today, (1930’s) that we will probably fail to recognise it’s coming as a city at all.”
(Kenneth Frampton – Modern Architecture, a critical history)

He identified the new forces that will shape tomorrow’s city as follows:

· Electrification - this would increase the rate of production in the industry and therefore less need for large work forces.

· Communication – with radio, telephone and the telegraph, human communication can be achieved through greater distances reducing the need for physical human contact. This is even greater today with the emergence of the Internet and e-mail.

· Mechanical Mobilisation – the immeasurable widening of human travel due to the invention of the aeroplane and the automobile.
Frank Lloyd Wright’s Concept City ‘Broadacres’
(Kenneth Frampton – Modern Architecture, a critical history)

The ‘Concept City’ designed by Frank Lloyd Wright was named ‘Broadacre City’. It was a city that was sparse in plan where every man and his family would grow his own food on an acre of land, which had been reserved for him at his birth. Families would have to trade with their neighbours increasing social interaction, dependency and trust, creating a relaxed and friendly community.
However, for the economy to succeed in the Broadacre City, rural factories where a part time work force along with the ever increasing efficiency of machinery would keep up the essential rate of production.
Wright stated that ‘America will need no help to build a Broadacre City, it will build itself, haphazardly.’
This was merely an observation by Wright that the city was sprawling and if nothing halts it, there would be no definition between urban and rural but that it would be all inter-twined.

Frank Lloyd Wright’s observation was backed in 1955 by a quote from Ian Nairn in an ‘Architectural Review’ article.
‘The prophecy that if what is called development is allowed to multiply at the present rate, then by the end of the century, Britain will consist of isolated oases of preserved monuments in a desert of wire, concrete roads, cosy plots and bungalows. There will be no distinction between town and country’
(The Compact City – Jenks/Burton/Williams)

Before hand, during the Industrial City, urban living meant residing near to the industries. The introduction of the steam train meant that those who could afford to, moved away from the centres of production into more rural areas. New settlements grew up around train stations so that direct access was still available to the city.

However, the introduction of the automobile created freedom and the rate of migration to the edges of cities multiplied resulting in urban sprawl.

These two views from a skyscraper in Chicago show that the city has sprawled beyond the horizon. (Photographs by Steve)

Many of these areas included in the urban sprawl are now known as garden suburbs, they generally consist of front and back gardens, which is attractive for the family in producing a safe environment where the children can play. The garden suburbs are low density and usually appear from a bird’s eye view as organic and fragmented. Some suburban developments are designed as cul-de-sacs also nicknamed ‘lollipop developments’. These are becoming increasingly popular as they eliminate ‘through traffic’ and children are able to play on the street, outside their own homes, with less risk of being knocked down by a motorist. It is therefore not surprising that this sort of development is highly desirable, especially to families.

Being fragmented in character, suburbs contain many individual houses but often with very little variation. This lack of variation is today heightened by new off the shelf standardised conveyor belt houses, built by contractors whose only motivator is high profits.

Although it is fair to say that this is not always the case. For example, Oak Park in Chicago by Frank Lloyd Wright is a suburb development with good landscaping with outstanding architecture creating an aesthetic richness.

Suburban Housing: Three houses in Oak Park, Chicago designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Photographs by Steve)

In general, neighbourhoods and streets in the suburbs are similar in style and cost attracting occupants of similar income levels, which leads to a poor social mix.

The lack of variation visually and socially results in developments appearing dull but it is important to note that it is these styles of developments that are highly successful in the housing market. It is not surprising that market forces are developing more of these suburbs which are steadily eroding into the rural communities.

Row of identical houses – no variation, lacks visual excitement (Frey, H.W. - Designing the City)

Many of these garden suburbs when they were original built, contained small corner shops with basic amenities as this was all a low density community could support, producing the need to travel out with the community, usually by car in order to carry out activities such as shopping. This was another reason why a high proportion of people who moved to the suburbs owned a car as it was and still is a necessary requirement. In general, people living in these suburbs lead a high standard of life and are on the whole content with where they live.

Peripheral Estate, Castlemilk – Glasgow (Frey, H.W. - Designing the City)

The opposite however can apply to those living in the peripheral estates. Built as solutions to the slums of the inner city, many families were decanted to new estates on the city edge. The objective was to reduce overcrowding and clear the slums while supplying families with new, more modern housing containing better facilities such as bathrooms and kitchens, and in so doing, offer a better standard of living. These new estates, similar to garden suburbs were also of low density with few building types and only a few corner shops with basic amenities.

Unfortunately, these housing estates were isolated, being away from the main employment sources and away from many of the amenities such as shops. Many of the residents in the peripheral estates were not car owners making it difficult to travel to other places especially when the public transport systems was inadequate and often too expensive.
It is not surprising that unemployment is high in these estates and if anyone did secure employment with reasonable income the first thing they may consider doing is to move away.

With high unemployment in these estates, maintenance becomes low down in the priority list, and the visual environment decays. Along with high crime rates and other social problems, these peripheral estates have a poor image with the residents being stigmatised, castaways of society who have been relocated from the slums of the inner city to slums in the suburbs.

Still responding to the market forces of the motorcar, more and better roads were required as existing roads were improved through widening, levelling and straightening, as well as new roads being built. In San Francesco, the trams (trolley trains) which had provided a good public transport system was removed to make more lanes for the cars.

People became more dependent on the car because greater distances were needed to be covered, particularly as a result of garden suburbs. Amenities are no longer at hand, cars were needed to take children to school, go to work, go to shops or go to places of entertainment. Urban sprawl was at a rate were public transport could not keep up with the new demands. Uses became spread out and impossible to adequately link by public transport, resulting in the motorcar to zigzag across the city.

The new roads were filled and congested no sooner than they were built. To combat this, new roads were built and new motorways ploughed their way built up areas destroying the urban fabric and the communities who lived there.

Charing Cross in Glasgow is an example of an established urban area ripped apart by the introduction of a new motorway.

Charing Cross, Glasgow (Frey, H.W. - Designing the City)

More roads and highways are planned and more motorways are being widened even though more traffic is generated producing high levels of congestion and therefore pollution.

There are those who milk the high ownership of cars by building out of town developments such as retail, business, industry and leisure. The city centre was traditionally the most accessible place of the city as it was well linked by public transport and all the main roads lead to it, whereas these new ‘out of town’ developments were located in the suburbs where the people now lived.

The land rates for such developments were much less than they would be in the city centre and so cheap sheds were built surrounded by ample car parking.

Usually located next to major junctions of ring roads or motorways, they were not just easily located by staff and customers in their cars but also by delivery trucks who no longer had tackle the tight congested streets of a busy city centre.

Out of Town retail with ample car parking. Clydebank (Frey, H.W. - Designing the City)

We were now seeing an urban sprawl of uses which at one time, were all contained within the city centre.
A way of life was changing, the street of small shops were being replaced by the supermarket, the city centre was losing out in the competition with the out of town developments and mixed use areas decaying and converting into mono-use areas.

The result is a disintegration of the city centre as it losses out on activity and a lack of activity leads to decline in investment resulting in areas to become mono-use. For example, a mono-use business district which is only activated for part of a day by similar social people and at the other times of the day, the area is nothing more than dead and unsafe.

The relocation of many uses away from the city centre has transformed the city from one with the one central core to one containing many nuclei which all linked by a network of roads. The city centre is no longer as important as it was.

Cars, cars, cars. The city is being shaped by the automobile. (Richard Rodgers – Cities for a small planet)

Cars are therefore one of the major factors that is shaping the Post Industrial City. Take Las Vegas for example, totally designed around the motorcar, all the buildings are surrounded by car parking with bright flashing signs fronting unto the road as a shop window principle.

The Centrists

The Centrists had a critical view of suburban living.

“Suburbia – where the developer bulldozes down the trees, then names the streets after them”

Many who are interested in the protection of the environment are concerned about urban sprawl. The loss of countryside and rural activities to urban uses and the impact of the car producing pollution have given a strong opinion that the city sprawl needs to be reversed.

Developing the city centre is not a new idea but it has pushed itself more to the surface in recent years especially in the market of the tourist industry.

Early attempts to clear the slums were included in the Comprehensive Development Areas (CDA’s). Areas of the inner city containing housing seen as sub-standard were demolished and replaced by new housing but many of these new inner city districts, like the peripheral estates, were cheaply built, poorly landscaped and managed. Overtime, some of these monotonous areas appeared depressing, losing appeal, which meant that only low-income families lived in them.
The remainder of a CDA development in Govan, Glasgow (Photograph by Steve)

There were also radical ideas in reaction to the slums left over from the industrial city and none more radical than Le Corbusier’s. He believed that the post industrial city had different needs from its predecessor and so the old should be replaced with new.

The ‘Modernist Movement’ for which Le Corbusier was at the forefront believed that the traditional city has no place in today’s society and should be replaced by parks with free standing buildings. This free space could even be used for extra roads to serve the growing number of car owners.

Le Corbusier and Jeaneret, Plan proposal for Paris, 1925 (Kenneth Frampton – Modern Architecture, a critical history)

Glasgow’s version of High Rise Living. (Photograph by Steve)

La Defense, Paris (Frey, H.W. - Designing the City)

An example of a modernist movement approach in Glasgow is the Gorbals by Basil Spence. Here, all the tenements were demolished and replaced by high rise blocks. Much of the new accommodation in the Gorbals was poorly designed and inhabitable, later to be demolished just like the tenements before them.

The open space or parks in which these free standing buildings stood, were poorly landscaped, appearing as neither public or private creating confusion. This confusion leads to the parks not being used to their full potential and becoming lost space appearing insecure, unsafe and dangerous.

This style of high rise living was an alien environment enforced upon people of low income. There was poor interaction between the habitants in these high rise flats as compared to the closer knit communities they had come from.
It is also more difficult to raise a family in the high rise flats as supervision is harder when you live 20 floors up. Rebellious teenagers are left free to vandalise, lowering the appeal and image of the area.

From the opposite side to the modernist movement, there is now an approach to renovate the city centre. Holding unto its past and rescuing old buildings by converting them into new uses necessary in creating mixed use.

The ‘Merchant City’ in Glasgow has been an area of empty warehouses lying derelict for many years being converted into residential and retail uses.
The aim is to reverse the urban sprawl by bringing quality housing back into the city centre where mixed use can create a vibrant inner city.

Another approach in reducing the city sprawl is the provision of ‘out of town’ style retail malls actually in the city itself.
Buchanan Galleries in Glasgow is a recent example of this sort of approach. Situated in the centre of the city, it contains indoor shopping malls adjacent to a multi-floor car parking. It also benefits from being directly next to a bus, train and underground station.

Inner city Shopping Centre Model of Buchanan Galleries, Glasgow (Frey, H.W. - Designing the City)

The problem with such developments is that they are often fairly large, monotonous and reduce the permeability of the street pattern. Being inward looking, they often have poor interaction with the street (except where the main entrance meets it) reducing the level of activity, especially where the service zones front unto public streets.

Laissez-Faire approach

While most of the approaches and views mentioned above might be classified as planned, an approach, which mainly rose during the 1980’s, may be classified as anything but planned. The laissez-faire attitude was merely interested in economic benefit. The city began to be shaped by market forces and there was a feeling that anything goes as long as it makes money. Planning of this nature had no long term plans nor did it have any consideration for the city at large.
Often with no city strategy, many of these developments created mono-use areas that are inactive for long periods of the day.


In Conclusion, I would describe the post industrial city as a city being stretched in different directions by opposing forces. These forces may be different in nature but they all have one thing in common and that is the objective of improving the standard of living compared to the horrors of the slums left over from the industrial age.
Some approaches have failed miserably while others have succeeded in improving living conditions but failed in other aspects.
It is important to note that some of these approaches have at different times lead the debate of whether a city should be central or not. Even a compromise between the Centrists and Decentrists has become a strong argument for the redesigning of the city to suit our new needs.
Whatever the answer is, if there is one, the city needs to become more flexible. Today’s needs are different from yesterday’s and will most likely be different to tomorrows. It is not possible to demolish and rebuilt every time our needs change, therefore a flexible city structure needs to be put in place that can withstand any change the society throws at it.

Modern Architecture, a critical history – Frampton, Kenneth
The Compact City – Jenks/Burton/Williams
Designing the City – Frey, H.W.
Cities of Tomorrow – Hall, P.
Cities for a Small Planet – Rodgers, Richard

Analysis Conclusion

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Images of Govan

Above is a selection of photos taken around Govan and shows the variety of buildings in terms of use and era.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Landuse in Govan

To give you an idea of how the built land is used (generally) in Govan, I have prepared below a coloured plan listing 5 different land uses.

Red - Residential
Yellow - Industry and offices
Light Blue - Community (includes churches, schools, hospital etc)
Dark Blue - Leisure (includes football stadium, cinema, bingo etc)
Pink - Retail (includes shops, restaurants etc)
On examining this diagram, it can be seen how the ship building industry has lined the river and the old railway line which would have supported them is also lined with industry. The industry in the middle also links the shipyards with the southern edge of the old docks. Industry has also formed adjacent the motorway. As residential streets were demolished to make way for the motorway, space became available for industry and offices.
Residential is the majority land use and it is clear that there is an east west divide with the east forming a more linear route along Paisley Road West.
Community land use is sporadic across Govan.
Leisure land use is quite low although this map does not highlight the open park land where sports etc can be played.
Retail use is mainly at Govan cross (Near the River) and the Asda store (adjacent the motorway). There are a few small shops dotted around amongst the housing to provide convenient daily provisions.

Since 1999/2000 when this information was collected for my Masters degree there have been a number of changes to the drawing above.

The north side of the river is currently being transformed with the industrial buildings now demolished to be replaced by new housing developments (see below) and the proposed Transport museum by Architect Zaha Hadid is now on site. (see also below).
Image from Govan towards the new Glasgow Harbour housing complex.

Proposed image of the new transport museum currently under construction.

Major changes in Govan has been the development of the derelict dock site. This has included the Glasgow Science Centre (see below), Scottish TV HQ and David Chipperfield's BBC Scotland HQ (see below) along with other office development.

Images of the Glasgow Science Centre.

Images of BBC Scotland.

Two new bridges have also been erected, one is a modest footbridge linking the Science Centre with the SECC and the other is the extravagant Clyde Arc road bridge (see below) located adjacent the Scottish TV HQ's.

Monday, 15 September 2008

Population figures

We have already looked at how Govan has grown in terms of number of buildings and infrastructure in my earlier post ground figure plans but what about population. By collating census information we can now show you the growth of popoulation within Govan in relation to Glasgow in the graphs below.

We can see that Govan at its peak had a population of approx 90 thousand residents which has declined to approx 20 thousand by 1999. The growth was due to the impact of the industrial revolution and was population shift from rural areas to the rapidly growing cities. Families were generally larger and housing conditions were cramped with many sharing houses to keep rent low or until more housing stock became available. There is an absense of information between 1903 and 1971 so when the decline in Govan's population commenced, we can only make an assumption based upon the Glasgow graph that it probably occured after the 2nd world war. Many lost their lives during the war, much housing was reduced to rubble during the blitz and children were evacuated to the safety of rural areas. After the war, buying rather than renting your property became fashionable. More people chose to live in suburbs rather than city urban areas. Car ownership increased and the distance from home to work increased. Some urban areas became undesirable and bulldozed to the ground being replaced by new tower blocks for living in the sky. When the major industries (eg. Shipbuilding) employing the masses began to close, people had to move to find new work. So there are many factors and reasons why areas like Govan have had a decrease in population.

Of the 20 thousand who still live in the area, what keeps them there or attracts them? Govan still has good transport links to Glasgow city centre and so is a relatively short commute but it is worth noting that in the graph below, unemployment during the 90's were higher than that of the Glasgow average. It's maybe because of this that during the early 90's there was a Scottish TV comedy programme called 'Rab C Nesbitt' which was about an unemployed alchoholic character who lived in Govan. While it was a big hit, it probably was not a fair reflection on Govan and certainly didn't help to attract new inhabitants.


So what is a node?
In urban design terms, it is somewhere or something that pulls your attention towards it. It may be a destination or some sort of interchange.

Examples of destination nodes in Govan are highlighted in the diagram below. These include shops, churches, bingo hall, pubs at Govan Cross, bus and underground stations, library, football stadium (Rangers FC), shops along Paisley Road West, Asda and Toys R Us retail area, Elder Park, Kinning Park Festival Park, Cinema, restaurants, bowling alleys and bingo at Springfield Quay and since this drawing was produced there is now the Science Centre, Imax Cinema and millennium tower at Pacific Quay.

Examples of interchange nodes in Govan that are highlighted below include the gateways when it becomes apparent that you are entering the area. Other forms of interchange include changing from the underground to the bus transport system.

Some of the nodes listed above includes public spaces. Public spaces can be either soft spaces or hard spaces. Soft spaces are often grass and relaxed i.e. parks, while hard spaces are often paved and processional i.e. leading to a church. The diagram below highlights examples of soft and hard public spaces in Govan.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Walk of Senses

When you walk along a particular route, road, street or path what triggers your senses and how do these make you feel?

Our senses include sight, sound, smell and touch. Landmarks for example can trigger our visual senses while busy roads can trigger sound and even smell. A landmark can catch your eye from a distance and as you walk closer to it, the details on the landmark become clearer and further enhances your visual senses over a period of time as your viewing angle changes. It's important to note that each individuals senses are unique to them as some have better eyesight than others while others may be simply more observant. Analysing how our senses are triggered can therefore becomes a personal observation. While at University, my fellow student Pete and I developed an analytical study called the 'Walk of Senses Analysis'. It concentrated more on the visual senses as sound and smell can vary greatly depending on time of day or wind direction.

The method we undertook was to walk along a common route and note any point or area of interest that visually triggered our senses. These places of interest would then be mapped out and the distance between them calculated. We felt that our visual senses could only be truly triggered from a maximum distance of approx 200m to 250m from a place of interest, beyond which it is too far away and our eyes will be distracted towards other things.

In my opinion, when you have situations where visual interests are greater than 200m apart, the walk can appear slow, dull and boring in comparison to when they are closer together.
This is an important aspect to consider in urban design because we want to encourage more people to walk and cycle rather than always revert to their cars. An interesting walk will most likely be repeated creating more active streets which in turn creates a greater community feel. Also the more who walk, the less cars and therefore less pollution. It all sounds too simple but surely it's a start.

The following images are Pete and my observations from 5 different paths which we walked in Govan.

The analysis highlighted that places like Govan cross (shops etc) are visually rich with their buildings inherited from a bygone era, while there are many other areas which due to decline have become empty of visual interest.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008


Diagram to show the main vehicular traffic routes and railway network of Glasgow and the location of Govan in relation.

Diagram to show the main vehicular traffic routes and underground rail network of Govan.

Diagram to show the vehicular permeability of Govan.

Diagram to show the pedestrian permeability of Govan.

Diagram to show barriers which reduce the vehicular permeability of Govan.

Diagram to show barriers which reduce the pedestrian permeability of Govan.

Diagram to show the extent of Govan served by rail and underground network within an average persons 10 minutes walk.

Diagram to show the extent of Govan served by bus routes.